
2021年2月15日—数据包(datapacket)由一个PID、一个包含零个或多个字节数据的数据字段(datafield)和一个CRC组成。有四种类型的数据包,由不同的PID标识:DATA0、DATA1、 ...,Intelecommunicationsandcomputernetworking,anetworkpacketisaformattedunitofdatacarriedbyapacket-switchednetwork.Apacketconsistsof ...,Adatapacketisasmallunitofinformationtransmittedoveranetworkfromonedevicetoanother,containingbothpayloa...

【USB笔记】USB 2.0 包格式数据包Data Packets 原创

2021年2月15日 — 数据包(data packet)由一个PID、一个包含零个或多个字节数据的数据字段(data field)和一个CRC组成。有四种类型的数据包,由不同的PID标识:DATA0、DATA1、 ...

Network packet

In telecommunications and computer networking, a network packet is a formatted unit of data carried by a packet-switched network. A packet consists of ...

Data packet definition

A data packet is a small unit of information transmitted over a network from one device to another, containing both payload and metadata.


「資料包」是透過封包切換網路傳送的資料區段。資料包包含足夠的資訊,可從其來源路由至其目的地。根據這個定義,IP 封包就是資料包的一個範例。本質上,資料包是「封包」 ...

High-bandwidth dedicated servers with 10 Gbps - 80GE uplinks. Multihomed network design with Tier 1 transit providers in 49 locations worldwide.

What is a Data Packet?

2023年9月8日 — A data packet is a unit of data made into a single package that travels along a given network path. Data packets are used in Internet Protocol ( ...

What is a Data Packet? — Definition by Techslang

Data packets are units of information collected into one set for transmission through the Internet. Any bit of data that needs to be sent from one system to ...

What are Network Packets and How Do They Work?

A network packet is a basic unit of data that's grouped together and transferred over a computer network, typically a packet-switched network, such as the ...


数据包(英语:Data packet),又称分组,是在分组交换网络中传输的格式化数据单位。 一个数据包(packet)分成两个部分,包括控制信息,也就是表头资料(header),和 ...


封包(英語:Data packet),又稱數據包,是在封包交換網路中傳輸的格式化數據單位。 一個封包(packet)分成兩個部份,包括控制資訊,也就是表頭資料(header),和 ...